Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Living with Parkinson's disease

Vereen rehabilitation, Parkinson's photo
Being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease can be overwhelming. After an initial diagnosis, there are multiple steps that need to be taken to set up a plan for care. The first big step is to find a physician and support team for medical support. Once there is a plan in place for treatment, the next big step is to begin self-care. This includes paying attention to your body and how you feel after taking medications.

With Parkinson's disease also comes the increased risk for dementia. With this in mind, it is pertinent to keep trusted family members and caregivers in the loop as to medications, where they are kept, dosage and time that they are to be taken. This decreases the risk of losing expensive medications or missing the time at which they are meant to be taken which can lessen the potency of the drugs.

Another important factor of living with Parkinson's disease is taking into consideration safety at home. Parkinson's patients often have difficulty walking and limited motor skills. Having everyday necessities placed at an accessible height and easy to reach area is key. The bathroom and kitchen are both rooms that can cause a myriad of injuries. Rails should be considered for bathrooms to allow easy in and out access. Kitchens should be set up so everything is within easy reach and appliances should be easy to manipulate and use.(Parkinson Foundation, n.d.)

Another everyday component of living with Parkinson's disease is exercise. Parkinson's patients shouldn't take the diagnosis as a sign to slow down physical activity. Exercise is important to reduce joint stiffness and strengthen muscles. It is important to consult a physician before starting a new workout regimen but research has shown that even moderate activity like walking or doing chores around the house is beneficial for Parkinson's patients.(PDF, 2017)

Getting involved in the Parkinson's community can also be beneficial for mental health as a patient. Parkinson's disease is still being actively researched and the knowledge that we have of the disease is continuously growing. By being active in the Parkinson community as a patient it can be empowering to know new research, get in touch with Parkinson advocates and learn how to benefit the community as a patient.

Another important factor for self-care is surrounding yourself with people that truly care about your wellbeing. Having a good support system, other than you medical staff, to keep you in good spirits is very beneficial. Another important factor is making sure that you try to stay positive and keep doing the things that you enjoy or finding new things to keep you occupied. Having a positive outlook on life and doing fun things will help keep you going and keep your mental health in check.


Believe in Better. (n.d.). Retrieved April 04, 2017, from http://www.parkinson.org/understanding-parkinsons/living-well/safety-at-home

Exercise. (2017). Retrieved April 04, 2017, from http://www.pdf.org/en/exercise

Living with Parkinson's Disease. (2017). Retrieved April 04, 2017, from https://www.apdaparkinson.org/resources-support/living-with-parkinsons-disease/

Understanding Parkinson's Disease. (2015, May 21). Retrieved April 04, 2017, from http://www.vereencenter.com/understanding-parkinsons-disease/

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